Thursday, February 22, 2018

Yoga for health

Yesterday I started yoga. I enjoy doing yoga for many reasons but hadn't been consistent for a while. Occasionally I get back pain, and I find that yoga helps a lot. It also helps me feel that I am standing taller and that I look slimmer. And I also enjoy the feeling of calm it gives me.
Here are a number of other reasons to enjoy yoga:
  1. It lowers your blood pressure
  2. Helps regulate blood sugar
  3. Decreases anxiety
  4. Helps with weight loss
  5. Helps you sleep better
  6. Decreases pain
  7. Increases flexibility, strength and balance
  8. Increase mental ability to focus
Some experts will say that you need to do 30 min to an hour each day to get the full benefits from yoga. That is probably just because the research was done on that time frame. I say any amount you can squeeze in will help improve your life. I only did about 25 minutes. Again, consistency is key. My arch nemesis! But I will keep going forward.

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