Friday, February 2, 2018


Wow! Apparently I am a really inconsistent person. I'm sure many people can relate given that recently people have made "New Year's Resolutions" to lose weight, exercise more, eat right etc.. and then given up after about a week. Well, this is the third time I have tried to start up this blog in the past like 7 years! So today I have decided to commit myself to 30 days of health blogging. I will post something everyday to try to keep myself on track.
Today I started with WATER. I am going to drink 10 glasses of water today and I have already had 2 this morning. "Why start with water?" you ask. Well, years ago I read a book called The Seven Pillars of Health and he started with water. The author, Dr. Colbert, discussed how in his practice he counsels people to drink plenty of clean water and it takes care of many of the illnesses they come in for. I recall that pain was one of the big ones because water for your joints to work properly. We all know that our bodies are composed mostly of water so all our organs need it to function. So that is why I am starting with water. I already feel a little more energy and have less aching this morning after drinking two glasses and a cup of herbal tea.

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