Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Beginning the Journey

I have always considered myself a healthy person, having had no major health concerns. However, in the recent years I have gradually put aside healthier behaviors, using my young children as an excise since I rarely have the time or energy for eating healthy and exercise. I realize that the irony of it is that being a good role model of healthy behavior is probably one of the best things I can do to raise healthy kids! Some of the most important things I can do to improve my health may be as simple as drinking enough water. Besides that, eating right and getting more exercise would actually give me more energy to play with and care for my children.

Well, several weeks ago I started reading a book called The Seven Pillars of Health by Dr. Don Colbert which includes daily short readings and action steops to gain better health in 50 days. I thought I might chronicle the effects that healthier living has on my life in a blog in hopes that other interested people may gain some insight as well. So, this blog will begin with entries inspired by the book but hopefully continue on through a lifelong journey to better health.

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